It's Ramp Season...Y'all!
...........and I am doing a happy dance!
I really look forward to spring for many reasons.
Longer days...Warmer weather...And...ramps!
One of the first greens to pop their little leaves up, ramps have been a source of sustenance for years for people in the southern mountains of Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia and lucky for me...Ohio! A cross somewhere between garlic and spring onions (scallions), ramps have their own much so that nothing else really tastes like a ramp.
I crave them.
Ramps were well known in all the mountains communities but have, in the past few years, been "found out" by chefs on both coasts and in between. They are now, seemingly, everywhere. So much so, that our national parks and forests have banned the harvesting of ramps. So I have my own little patch I've been nurturing for years. Just enough to keep me in ramp butter all year long. I dole it out in the most parsimonious way...if I like you, you just might get a taste!
Ramps come out of the ground with dirt clinging to their roots and little papery bits protecting the lovely white bulb. And that means cleaning, cleaning and more cleaning.
One of my most favorite ways to eat ramps is with potatoes. Fried potatoes and ramps is just about heaven. Add some eggs, and here comes breakfast, lunch and/or dinner!
I will share with you my pictorial recipe for making a quick, easy and delicious meal
Fry up a mess of potatoes and add chopped ramps.
For one person 1 large potato and 5 ramps, including both the green and white parts.
Add 2 scrambled eggs to the pan and let set over low heat.

Allow the eggs to set into large curds and then scramble it all together
until it looks like